{{ ---------BEGIN THEME SETTINGS AND CONTROLS----------- }}
{% assign: Info_Block_Link_Behavior = 'new' %} {{ Options: 'Same Window' or 'new' }}
{% assign: Number_of_Info_Blocks = 1 %} {{ Options: 1 to 10 }}
{% assign: ib_1_title = "" %}
{% capture ib_1_desc %}Kuone is an independent brand based in Madrid.
Since our foundation in 2014 we’ve been striving to create quality garments made in Spain in limited quantities, and to obtain this results, we put special attention to every single detail of the clothes to make them exclusive and unique.
We want to share our creativity and encourage everyone to show their talents and ideas despite any limitations.
Our creations are produced thanks to the influence we collect from all our hobbies: art, photography, music, our city…
Kuone Clothing.
Kuone es una marca independiente de Madrid.
Desde su creación en 2014 hemos intentado producir prendas de calidad en España en tiradas muy limitadas, para ello, nos fijamos en todos los detalles de las prendas para conseguir que sean exclusivas y únicas.
Queremos mostrar nuestra creatividad e incitar a todo el mundo a mostrar su parte más creativa, el afán por llevar a cabo proyectos y creaciones pese a cualquier limitación.
Todas nuestras creaciones se llevan a cabo gracias a la inspiración que recibimos de nuestras aficiones: arte, fotografía, música…
Kuone Clothing.{% endcapture %}
{% assign: ib_1_display_image = 'Yes' %}
{% assign: ib_1_image = 'http://themefiendlab.com/hosting/images/kuone/aboutuspicture.jpg' %}
{% assign: ib_1_include_image_link = 'No' %}
{% assign: ib_1_image_link = "http://example.com" %}
{% assign: ib_1_desc_image_order = "Desc over Image" %}
{{ ---------END THEME SETTINGS AND CONTROLS----------- }}
{% assign: iblbv = Info_Block_Link_Behavior %}
{% assign: nib = Number_of_Info_Blocks %}
{{ ib_1_title }}
{% endunless %} {% capture ib_1_desc %} {% unless ib_1_desc == blank or ib_1_desc == " " %}{{ -----------BEGIN SCRIPTS -----------}}
(function($) {
$(".info_block > br, .info_block p:empty").remove();
$(".ib_desc br:first-child, .ib_desc br:first-child + br").remove();
var url1 = /(^|<|\s)(www\..+?\..+?)(\s|>|$)/g,
url2 = /(^|<|\s)(((https?|ftp):\/\/|mailto:).+?)(\s|>|$)/g,
linkifyThis = function () {
var childNodes = this.childNodes,
i = childNodes.length;
var n = childNodes<i>;
if (n.nodeType == 3) {
var html = $.trim(n.nodeValue);
if (html)
html = html.replace(/&/g, '&')
.replace(/</g, '<')
.replace(/>/g, '>')
.replace(url1, '$1<a href="http://$2">$2</a>$3')
.replace(url2, '$1<a href="$2">$2</a>$5');
else if (n.nodeType == 1 && !/^(a|button|textarea)$/i.test(n.tagName)) {
$.fn.linkify = function () {
return this.each(linkifyThis);
$("a[@href^='www'], a[@href^='http']").attr('target','_blank');